Dear Seth

Dear Seth

These entries are for you. I am so scared that I am going to forget all the funny things you say and do. I am constantly amazed by you. What an absolute gem you are and such a blessing to your dad and I and honestly everyone that has been in contact with you. I am honestly not just saying this because you my kid….although let’s be honest could we have expected anything less? Hahahaha

I was sure I would mess this “mom” thing up, like most I was freaked out about loads of things I would or could do wrong even before you were born…okay even before you were conceived, but geeez kid! You make me look good 😁 thanks for thatπŸ‘πŸΌ

My hope is that everyone will get to know you and follow our journey of becoming best friends and even though I will pray it doesn’t happen, where I become the lady who you can’t deal with in your teenage years πŸ˜ͺ and where you love me again, and yes you will. Hehehehe

To us and our blessed partnership
